Development Notices

Public notices listed here are for SEPA determinations, projects requiring a public hearing, or projects requiring a Notice of Application.  Projects are removed from the list after a decision has been issued and any appeal period has expired.

Date  Permit#  Notice type  Description 
9/12/2024 PLN2024-0062  Notice of Public Hearing  Application for zoning Variance to reduce street setback - Type IIIB Hearing by the Hearing Examiner for subject property @1402 10th PL. N
Notice of Public Hearing 
Application Materials
9/11/2024 AMD2024-0004 Notice of Public Hearing The City of Edmonds is proposing an annual update to the city’s Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) and Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for the years 2025 – 2030.
Notice of Public Hearing



Notice of Public Hearing

Application for a Reasonable Economic Use Variance to the Critical Areas Ordinance to develop a single-family residence @ 963 Main Street

Notice of Public Hearing - 9/26/24
Application Materials
Staff Report (available by 9/19/24)

08/28/2024 PLN2024-0062 Notice of Application & Comment Period Application for Zoning Variance to reduce street setback @ 1402 10th PL N
Application Materials
08/23/2024 PLN2024-0020 Notice of Appeal Appeal to SEPA DNS decision dated May 14th, 2024 @ 8229 Talbot Rd
Notice of Public Hearing 
SEPA DNS and Checklist
Bernhoft Notice of Appeal
Final Prehearing Order SEPA Appeal
City Motion to Narrow Scope - 7/31/24
Bernhoft response to City - 8/12/24
City reply on Motion - 8/13/24
City Motion for Summary Judgement and Dismissal of Appeal - 9/3/24 
08/16/2024 PLN2024-0040  Notice of Application & Comment Period Preliminary Formal Subdivision - Type III-A Permit
Seven-lot conservation long plat @ 18500 High St.
Application Materials
08/14/2024 AMD2024-0002  Amendments The Planning Board will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to the City’s permit review processes of Title 20 of the Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) and related chapters.
08/02/2024 PLN2023-0071 Notice of Application & Comment Period Design Review Permit - Type IIIA Permit
for general design review for 5 New Townhouses @ 222 3rd Ave S.
Application Materials
07/12/2024 PLN2024-0052  Notice of Application & Comment Period Conditional Use Permit - Type IIIB to expand the existing legal non-conforming daycare center onsite @ 9617 Firdale Ave.
Application Materials
07/11/2024  PLN2024-0054 Notice of Application & Comment Period Conditional Use Permit - Type III Hearing Examiner Decision @ 24200 76th Ave W.
Application Materials