New Energy Cities Action Plan
Planning for energy in Edmonds is an outgrowth of the Community Sustainability Element of the Comprehensive Plan. The City worked with Climate Solutions to complete a New Energy Cities Action Plan for the City of Edmonds. This was developed following a community workshop held on January 27-28, 2011. The Action Plan describes a series of actions the city can take to address energy efficiency and conservation now and in the future. Presentations at the January 2011 workshop covered an array of issues, including:

Municipal Energy Plan
In January 2012 the city issued its municipal Energy Plan to address energy use and efficiency in city operations. The objectives of the plan include:
- Bring energy actions and initiatives under one "umbrella";
- Tell the story of how city government uses energy;
- Summarize energy use, highlight achievements, and reveal trends;
- Identify and assess opportunities;
- Provide a roadmap for smart energy action and decision-making in the future.
Our energy plan for municipal operations reduces costs, reduces risk and vulnerability to energy price fluctuations, positions the City for future regulations and mandates, and perhaps most importantly -- lead by example.
The Edmonds Energy Plan can be viewed here, with the appendices available here. An earlier executive summary of the plan can be viewed here. (1 MB )
The energy plan builds on programs and successes the city has already undertaken. For example, Edmonds City Hall has earned the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) prestigious ENERGY STAR, the national symbol for protecting the environment through superior energy efficiency. This signifies that the building performs in the top 25% of similar facilities nationwide for energy efficiency.