Global climate change is a reality and represents an ever-increasing threat to the health and well-being of the citizens of Edmonds and beyond. Climate Change Goal D in the City's Comprehensive Plan is to "[w]ork with public and private partners to develop strategies and programs to prepare for and mitigate the potential impacts of climate change, both on city government operations and on the general Edmonds community." The City updated its Climate Action Plan to support this goal. The Edmonds Climate Champions Series will give Edmonds' residents information and identify actions that can be undertaken to mitigate climate change at the individual level.
The City's Climate Protection Committee will develop a public education and action series. Each session will provide information on various aspects of climate change with information about climate action opportunities specifically geared for Edmonds' residents.
Check back here for more updates as the series progresses. Events associated with chapters of the Climate Action Plan will continue throughout the year. Look forward to opportunities to engage with us and be challenged to be the Climate Champion Edmonds needs to achieve its goals!