The City of Edmonds is holding a virtual kick-off meeting for the Highway 99 Gateway-Revitalization Stage 2 Project.

The kick-off meeting will be held via Zoom on Thursday, June 16th from 6pm to 7pm. The link to the meeting is During the meeting, attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions about the project and learn more information.
The objective of this project is to design and construct safety improvements and gateway signage for Highway 99 throughout Edmonds, between 244th Street SW and 210th Street SW, consistent with the Conceptual Plans developed in the Highway 99 Gateway-Revitalization Stage 1 planning project.
This project will convert the existing two-way left turn lane to a raised median with mid-block left-turn pockets along certain sections, as well as landscaped raised median and C-Curb along other sections in order to improve safety along the entire corridor. In addition, a High-Intensity Activated Crosswalk (HAWK) signal is proposed just north of 234th Street SW to provide an additional pedestrian crossing and improve pedestrian safety along the corridor. Gateway signs will also be added at each end of the City of Edmonds frontage on Highway 99 to help travelers identify the City limits of Edmonds and establish a consistent look that will be extended in future projects along this corridor.
If you wish to attend the virtual meeting but require language accommodations, please contact the project team at 425-224-2424 at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting.
Si desea asistir a la reunión virtual pero necesita servicios de interpretación en español, llame al equipo del proyecto al 425-224-2424 por lo menos 48 horas antes de la reunión.
가상 미팅에 참석을 원하시고, 언어 지원이 필요한 경우에는, 회의가 시작되기 최소 48시간 전에 프로젝트 팀 425-224-2424로 연락하십시오.
To stay informed throughout construction, sign up for email updates by emailing [email protected]. For more information about the Highway 99 Gateway-Revitalization Stage 2 Project, visit