(Edmonds, WA) Due to the rise in COVID-19 cases throughout Snohomish County, Mayor Nelson has made the decision to close City Hall to the public effective Friday, September 3rd.
“I understand these closures may be an inconvenience, but we must prioritize the public’s safety during these times,” said Mayor Nelson.
Staff will continue to support residents by email, phone, and online. Please visit specific department webpages on the City website for further information.
The Edmonds Police Department (EPD) business office will be closed to the public in accordance with City guidelines. The public can still come to the department and use the emergency phones by either entrance to reach dispatch and have an officer contact them. During business hours, the lobby to the Public Safety Complex may be open. A phone will be in the lobby that will allow the public to reach their records clerks. They will do their best to assist the public or get them in touch with an officer. They have currently paused the processing of new Concealed Pistol Licenses (CPL) and there will be no fingerprint appointments. CPL renewals can still be handled by email or mail. Anyone with questions should call the EPD business office at 425-771-0200.
Frances Anderson Center (FAC) is closed and all city recreation programming in the building and indoor facility rentals are canceled for the months of September and October. Outdoor programs and facility rentals are still allowed. The FAC office is fully operational and available for phone calls and emails at 425-771-0230 or [email protected], Monday – Friday, 8:30am – 6:00pm
Utility payments can be made online or can be dropped off in the drop box in front of City Hall at 121 Fifth Avenue North.
City Council, as well as board and commission, meetings have been moved back to Zoom. A list of upcoming meetings with links to attend can be found online here.