Join the Edmonds Planning and Development department for the Green Building Incentives forum on Thursday, August 31st from 4:30 to 6:00pm at the Edmonds Waterfront Center.
Attendees will learn about green building incentives from experienced professionals. Panelists include representatives from the Master Builders of King and Snohomish County and the Cities of Kirkland and Shoreline.
The creation of a green building incentive program is part of the 2023 Climate Action Plan. Energy used in buildings is the largest source of local greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Edmonds. Residential buildings emit roughly twice the quantity of GHGs than commercial and industrial buildings.
Energy consumption in buildings could be cut by about 30–50% through investment in energy efficiency. Up to 20% of US households have heating equipment that is more than 20 years old. Modern appliances and equipment with ENERGY STAR ratings can be as much as 80% more efficient than the equipment it replaces.
As the City develops this program, input from experienced development professionals and the public will guide the types of incentives. The main avenues to encourage green building are density bonuses, lowered application fees, and/or swifter review timelines. Not all incentives bring value to all projects nor are favorable in all areas. Planning and Development wants your input in the formulation of incentives.
Low-income urban households have an energy burden—the proportion of income spent on energy—three times higher than that of higher income households, partially due to lack of weatherization. Improved energy efficiency can lower living costs and improve the quality of housing, while also reducing GHG emissions.
For more information about green building and the Climate Action Plan, please visit the Climate Action Plan page. For questions, please email [email protected].
Missed the forum? Download the presentation.