
A trail map of Yost Park is available here.
Yost Memorial Park contains one of the few large areas of native forest that remain in Edmonds. The mixed stands of Western red cedar, red alder, big-leaf maple and western hemlock trees offer a glimpse into the past, and the future.
The Park is situated along Shell Creek and the deep ravine its waters carved over time. Shell Creek empties into Puget Sound north of Caspers Street, and is populated with numerous insects, amphibians, and even salmon in its lower reaches.
In 1902, Allen Yost and family formed the Edmonds Spring Water Company to supply water to the residents of the young community. They dammed Shell Creek, and piped the retained water into the town for consumption. Remnants of these dams and settling tanks can be seen along the Shell Creek and Weir trails.
The area was logged in the early 1900's, and the large evergreen logs were processed into shingles and lumber in mills along the Edmonds waterfront. Deciduous trees such as red alder subsequently "colonized" the logged area, and over time bacteria in the alder trees' roots fixed nitrogen from the air, storing it in root nodules which replenish depleted soil nitrogen. As the short lived Alders (50 - 70 yrs.) begin to die and fall, a new generation of evergreens will take their place, supported by the revitalized soil. The next half century will see Yost Park once again dominated by native evergreen trees.

Dozens of large old Cedar stumps can be found throughout the park, as well as fallen logs that have been left in place. As stumps and logs decay, their nutrients replenish the soil and support a variety of organisms growing on them. Huckleberry, salal, salmonberry, ferns, moss, lichen and fungi all find a home on these decaying giants.
Yost Park provides habitat for numerous species of resident and migratory birds including Barred Owls, Pileated Woodpeckers, Northern Flickers, Spotted Towhees, and Cooper's Hawks. Black-capped Chickadee, Swainson's Thrush, Olive-sided flycatcher, and Winter Wren are some of the more common small birds found in the park.
Mammals include the nocturnal mountain beaver, opossum, raccoon, shrew mole, and a few types of bats. Giant Pacific salamanders are sometimes found in the creek itself, and in the spring Pacific tree frogs can sometimes be heard singing in the wetlands surrounding the boardwalk.
Location: Yost Park is located at 9535 Bowdoin Way in Edmonds.
Park Hours: Yost Park is open to the public from dawn to dusk, year round. Check for swimming pool hours and dates of operation (425) 771-0230.
Reminders: Leash and Scoop laws are in effect - so keep dogs on leash and clean up after them; help keep the waters of Shell Creek clean!
Use caution on the boardwalks after a rain - they can be slippery!