The City of Edmonds worked with a team of faculty and graduate students from the University of Washington, College of Built Environment, to create plans for expanding the role of its neighborhood centers as more active and vital parts of the community. The two neighborhood commercial areas addressed in the study were Westgate and Five Corners. The project developed concepts that exemplify sustainable approaches for redevelopment in suburban cities and preparation of a Special District Plan for each of the two neighborhood commercial areas. Because they are very different, Westgate and Five Corners embodied different approaches, with a common emphasis on design and public streetscape. The first set of proposals to be formally considered by the City involved Westgate, for which the City Council adopted the Westgate Plan and Chapter 16.110 of the Edmonds City Code "Westgate Mixed-Use" zone district in 2015.
The Five Corners district is still under consideration, with the latest work presented to Council consisting of an economics-based "Alternatives Analysis" conducted by Heartland Associations in early 2018. There is an additional, supporting Fact Sheet that is available for review.
City Council is expected to provide additional direction on next steps for further planning work for the Five Corners neighborhood in 2019.
Earlier documents, minutes and other information related to the multiyear Five Corners and Westgate planning processes may be found below.
For more information, please feel free to contact city staff: (Rob Chave @ 425-771-0220. You may get on the project notification list by sending your mail address or email address to the Planning Division (425-771-0220).
To find out more about the project, explore the different project phases below by clicking on each tab.
Project Overview - Introduction to the Project.
Phase 1 - Neighborhood Reconnaissance.
Phase 2 - Plan Development.
Phase 3 - Presentations and Review.
Phase 4 - Planning Board and City Council Review.
Additional Readings - Related articles and readings