Economic Development Commission

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The Citizens Economic Development Commission is a nine-member, volunteer board appointed by the Mayor and City Council to provide advice and recommendations on economic vitality, jobs and enhancement of municipal revenue. This Commission was established pursuant to City Council-approved amendments to Chapter 10.75.

Powers and Duties

The Commission is empowered to advise and make recommendations to the Mayor and City Council, and as appropriate to other boards and commissions of the City on such matters as may be specifically referred to the Commission by the Mayor or City Council, or on matters independently generated by the commission, related to:

  • Strategies, programs or activities intended to generate economic development and consequently increase jobs and municipal revenue.

The Commission shall deliver an annual report to the City Council in written and oral form during the first quarter of every year, and when appropriate, during other times as directed by the Mayor or Council.

The commission is encouraged to work in conjunction with other boards and commissions on proposals, recommendations, projects or activities of mutual interest, or as otherwise directed by City Council. Similarly, the commission is encouraged to collaborate and cooperate with other organizations, agencies or entities engaged in economic development in Edmonds.


Nine-Member Commission

  • Mayoral appointees - 2
  • City Council appointees - 1 each
  • Student Representative - appointed by the Commissioners
  • Members must be residents of Edmonds


Officers - Commissioners shall elect from its membership:

  • Chair - Presides at all meetings
  • Vice-Chair - Performs duties of chair when chair is absent
  • Other officers as may be determined by the Commission


Regular public meetings are held the third Wednesdays of every month at 6pm in the evening.

Majority of Commission (5 members) constitutes quorum for transaction of business.

Majority of quorum (3 members) may transact business of Commission.

EDC Info

Meeting schedule:
Regular Commission meetings are the third Wednesday of every month from
6 - 8 p.m.

Brackett Meeting Room
Edmonds City Hall
121 5th Avenue North
Edmonds, WA 98020

Matt Cox, Chair
Allan Townsend, Vice Chair
Nicole Hughes
Kevin Harris
Darrol Haug
Carrie Mandak
Nick Perrault
Natalie Seitz
Pete Spear
Kate Nolan, Student Representative

Ex Officio Commissioners:

Chris Eck, City Council
Selena Killin, Port Commission
Lee Hankins, Planning Board
Ryan Crowther, Chamber of Commerce

To contact the EDC: 
[email protected]

Todd Tatum
[email protected]

Megan Luttrell
Program Coordinator
[email protected]