Public Workshop for Perrinville Creek Watershed Stormwater Management Action Plan

The Department of Ecology’s stormwater planning guidance requires the City of Edmonds to select and prioritize a local watershed for improvement by March 31, 2023. This process is driven by Ecology’s Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit as part of the Federal National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). The City is producing a Stormwater Management Action Plan (SMAP) for the Perrinville Creek watershed to comply with Ecology’s permit requirements.
The City of Edmonds along with Herrera Consulting, recently completed a year-long water health assessment, with public input, examining nine potential local watersheds that would benefit from implementing stormwater policies, programs projects, and maintenance practices. Metrics such as water use importance, development and growth, and habitat conditions were all evaluated during this process. The outcome of this study revealed Perrinville Creek Watershed had the highest water use importance and thus was identified as the principal watershed for improvement moving forward.
Join us for one of two virtual workshops on Wednesday, February 22nd at 12:00pm or 6:00pm to listen and discuss the proposed Perrinville Creek Watershed improvement actions. Learn more about the overall watershed assessment, selection process, and how the City plans to implement these actions.
To read more about this project and register for the virtual workshop, please visit the City’s website:

For information about this project in another language, you may request, free of charge, language assistance services by contacting Pat Johnson at [email protected]. Si desea obtener información sobre este proyecto en su idioma, puede solicitar servicios gratuitos de asistencia lingüística poniéndose en contacto con Pat Johnson at [email protected].