Gateway Plantings
Gateway planting can be found at the following location:
- Edmonds Way & 5th Ave S
-Ferry Triangles
Flower Baskets & Corner Parks
Adopt-A-Flower Basket Program
The Adopt-A-Flower Basket Program is an opportunity for businesses and citizens to make an investment in our community by adopting a flower basket for one season donation of $100 per basket. The donation helps offset the cost of the City's flower program.
Donors will select the basket location and the City plants and maintains the basket. Once the baskets are placed in June, the City will mark the basket with the donor's information. Staff maintain over 140 baskets. Call 425.771.0230 for more information.
Adopt-A-Corner Park Program
Make an investment in your community. Your donation helps offset the cost of the City's flower program. Call 425.771.0230 for more information.
Did you know that Edmonds has a city flower?

Flower lovers of the City will be interested to know that the official flower of Edmonds is the dahlia. A poll of residents was taken on one occasion, with the result being that the dahlia and the rose finished in a dead heat. In February 1925, the Floretum Garden Club took action recommending that the dahlia be chosen, and it was so designated by the city council. This information is found the book "Edmonds, The Gem of Puget Sound" by Ray Cloud. Flower enthusiasts, and all citizens are encouraged to learn about, plant and share dahlias around town to support this historical decision of decades past.