In the fall of 2015, after leasing the property for 40 years, Civic Center Playfield was acquired by the City of Edmonds from the Edmonds School District. The City has been operating the property as a park since 1975, with little change to its layout since its former use by the Edmonds High School. Just under 8 acres, the park is positioned near the Edmonds downtown commercial area alongside single and multi-family housing. In April 2016, through a Request For Qualifications and interview process, Walker Macy, a Landscape Architecture and Urban Design firm, was hired by the Edmonds Parks. Recreation and Human Services (EPRCS) Department to lead the Civic Center Playfield Master Planning effort. The project goal was to work with the City of Edmonds and the Edmonds community to design a Master Plan that envisions Civic Center Playfield as a signature park in the heart of downtown Edmonds.
The project undertook a rigorous public engagement process, including three public open houses, three online open houses, stakeholder interviews and a series of meetings with the Project Advisory Committee, the Parks and Recreation Staff, the City Council and the Planning Board in order to create a plan inspired by the community's desires and reflecting public sentiment and feedback. Several iterations of design and feedback were presented, tested and reviewed, resulting in a schematic design that integrates active program, civic engagement and beautiful landscape spaces.
The Civic Center Playfield Master Plan embraces the potential of this downtown park to contribute to a sense of community identity and civic pride while promoting active, healthy lifestyles, energizing the local economy and bolstering the city's growing reputation as a destination on Puget Sound. The legacy of the park as an iconic place for gathering, celebration and enhanced daily life is intended to serve Edmonds for generations to come.
In 2018, the City contracted with Walker Macy to complete the design development of Civic Center Playfield. They have been working with key stakeholders in the community to complete the design of the park. In addition, city staff have been writing grants, and securing funds for the development of the park. In 2019, the City hopes to complete the design process and secure the remaining funds for the park development. The current goal is to secure a contractor in early 2020 and begin construction.
The most recent update to Council was on January 7, 2020, and the documents are outlined here on this website.
The full plan can be viewed here: Civic Master Plan Update
If you have questions or comments on this project contact Angie Feser at [email protected].