The City of Edmonds invites you to attend an online open house to discuss the Highway 99 Gateway & Revitalization, Stage 2 Project. The objective of this project is to design and construct safety improvements and gateway signage along Highway 99 (throughout Edmonds), between 244th Street SW and 210th Street SW, consistent with the Conceptual Plans developed in the Highway 99 Gateway- Revitalization Stage 1 planning project.
This project will convert the existing two-way left turn lane to a raised median with mid-block left turn pockets along certain sections, as well as landscaped raised median and C-Curb along other sections in order to improve safety along the entire corridor. In addition, a High-Intensity Activated Crosswalk (HAWK) signal is proposed just north of 234th Street SW to provide an additional pedestrian crossing and improve pedestrian safety along the corridor. Gateway signs will also be added at each end of the City of Edmonds frontage on Highway 99 to help travelers identify the City limits of Edmonds and establish a consistent look that will be extended in future projects along this corridor.
For more information including a clickable link to the Open House Zoom meeting, visit www.EdmondsCorridor99.org.
The Gateway Sign Open House took place on August 4th. The Open House can be accessed by clicking on the following link: https://spaces.hightail.com/receive/RJlbFa1Ina.
Please complete the Gateway Sign survey by clicking on the following link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/HWY99CM1 (to be completed prior to August 15th).
If you have difficulty understanding English, you may, free of charge, request language assistance services for this project information by contacting Mr. Bertrand Hauss at [email protected] or calling at (425)754-5325.